July 1, 2021

26. Disqualify To Sell. Learn How To Save Time & Improve Your Sales Process Using This Simple Sales Manifesto.

26. Disqualify To Sell. Learn How To Save Time & Improve Your Sales Process Using This Simple Sales Manifesto.

If you want this business to be successful as bad as you want to breathe, you're going to have to optimize your selling process. Simplify how you sell by tackling the things you can control and letting go of the things you can't control. The quicker you're able to qualify and disqualify your sales prospects, the more time saved, the less energy wasted, the more potential money can be earned.

People call you a 'boss' for paying 10K on technology, vacation, tickets watches, etc. But people call you dumb or gullible for paying 10K on strategy, website, branding, marketing, sales coaching. Your time and your business are all valuable and investing in them with bonafide guidance, tools, software support, and infrastructure, all of which will revolutionize you and your business that will reap 10x to a 100x ROI for a long time.

Honestly, it is time to stop caring about what people can't see (pertaining to your vision) or understand (pertaining to your goals) and start investing. 

Are you actually doing everything that you can to help grow this business? The last time I checked, you didn't want this to be a hobby. So if you're in business, you're going to have to make money. And to make money, you're going to have to learn how to sell efficiently and effectively.

 If you want this business to be successful as bad as you want to breathe, if you want to achieve that vision, if you are sick and you're tired of business not scaling, you're going to have to optimize your selling process.


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