Oct. 14, 2021

36. Learn From A Door To Door Salesman. Successful Sales, Marketing, & Growth Is A Methodology You Can Only Develop By Knocking.

36. Learn From A Door To Door Salesman. Successful Sales, Marketing, & Growth Is A Methodology You Can Only Develop By Knocking.

Tired of knocking at the door of opportunities waiting for something to open? Aren't we all.

Whether it's an upmarket acquisition, increasing sales, maximizing marketing, expanding brand authority, and so on, they all require you to do one key thing: keep knocking.

This episode breaks down the mindset, tenacity, patience, poise, and persistence required to be successful at anything in business from marketing to sales to branding to network and just running your business in general. I will use a simple analogy to convey a big message so be prepared to go on a mental journey!

This is episode 36, #KeepKnocking

If a client says yes and signs but reneges...

If a client says yes but ghosts you...

If a client says no...

Which situation was worse? The outcome was the same. That particular door of opportunity was not meant to open for you.

We can't control the outcome, just like we can't swim upstream of a waterfall no matter how much effort we put into it.

Whether it's an upmarket acquisition, increasing sales, maximizing marketing, expanding brand authority, and so on, they all require you to do one key thing: keep knocking.

This episode breaks down the mindset, tenacity, patience, poise, and persistence required to be successful at anything in business, from marketing to sales to branding to network and just running your business in general. I will use a simple analogy to convey a big message, so be prepared to go on a mental journey!

Buy my book Strategize Up to get the blueprint for maximizing the growth potential of your business.


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